Arcadia's community solar projects across the United States

Arcadia is the leading manager of community solar projects in the United States. Arcadia currently has community solar capacity under management in 16 states: Colorado, DC, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Virginia. (As of July 2024.)
These states all have a few things in common. First, policymakers in the state have taken action to create a community solar program. Second, the policies they’ve put in place have created a competitive market for companies like Arcadia and our developer partners to play a role — rather than simply allowing the incumbent utilities to control the market. Third, the policies are well-designed so that both project owners and customers receive financial benefits.
There are some lists of places with community solar that have more than 14 states. For example, Shared Renewables lists 21 states with community solar policies, but some of those policies (such as Hawaii and California) have not led to active project development and others (such as North Carolina) are dominated by utilities and have no path to achieving scale. Similarly, the National Community Solar Partnership shows projects in 40 states, but many of these are not designed for customers to see a financial benefit and don’t share anything in common with the projects Arcadia manages besides a name.
The community solar market is rapidly growing. Many states — including New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, and Illinois — are expanding their existing programs. Other states — including Wisconsin, Arizona, and California — are considering starting new programs. Arcadia expects to enter more states in the future, and we are actively working with policymakers to build programs that work for subscribers and project owners.