With all the natural disasters we have suffered over the last few weeks and years, it is hard to believe that more people are not taking the initiative and trying to prepare emergency kits when a disaster strikes.

Here are some ways you can use food storage to protect yourself in the event of a disaster. You can also read what to stock up on for emergencies at https://safetyhunters.com/foods-to-stock-for-emergency/.

Dehydration: This is one way to store food. It's great for some fruit and some meats and the like. Choose wisely. For example, instead of dehydrating your own meat, you might want to buy beef.

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You can also try dehydrating some fruits before starting to eat vegetables. Try to protect them from cross-contamination. Don't dry meat and vegetables or fruit together.

Then canned food: Food canning is a great way to get the extra vegetables and fruit you can have. Don't rush into deciding what to keep.

Remember, you need to understand that things don't go well. Fruits, for example, are better gelled or made into a jam because they tend to break down at high temperatures.

However, some (such as peaches and apples) have remained intact. It all depends on how well you are canning and how experienced you are with it. Don't rush into figuring out what you want, how much you need, and when you will eat it all.