Reduced foot complications due to diabetes is a major challenge all diabetics must confront in the course. There are many symptoms to consider, but the primary indication is an increase in the temperature of your foot. A high A1C is a sure sign of problems on the way. 

Examine your feet on a regular basis or ask someone else to do the task for you. Any indications of trauma, redness, cracks, or changes in skin color must be reported and communicated for your diabetic management. Utilizing a mirror on a handle or on the floor can help in examining every part of your foot. You can visit to consult for diabetic foot care in Reisterstown.

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Clip your nails every week and then clip your nails straight across, making sure to smooth all rough edges. Maintain your skin’s hydration by applying an oil or petroleum jelly specially formulated for diabetic foot treatment.

If corns, calluses, or toenails are an issue, you should consult your physician or a podiatrist. Wear shoes and slippers for your feet. Even a basic sock can assist in preventing injury to the feet due to diabetes. Make sure your shoes are the appropriate size and create custom inserts. 

Keep in mind the risk to your feet when you’re diabetic, so be cautious. Choose shoes that are comfortable, and avoid heels that are too high or pointed footwear for women. These are the most common causes of injury and pain that for diabetics are something you can’t afford. Select shoes with a high arch and heel support.