Pools can be attractive features in any garden by creating features, reflecting light and attracting wildlife to your yard. Pools can be built in any size you choose. If you want to buy best garden edging products then you can pop over to this site.

For yards and small gardens, a micro-pond consisting only of an old tub or pond-lined water container can be a small but charming feature.

For those with more space, there are more options and the size and design is yours. Water gardens can be formal or natural, suitable for goldfish or other fish, or planted as decorative natural features.

The most important thing to remember before installing an excavator, or perhaps picks, is that planning and design are essential to achieving the look you want. The type of edge you choose will largely depend on the type of pool you build.

Official creation

Formal pools are best for edges made of slabs or masonry. The easiest way to create this look is to place a concrete slab along the edge of the pool.

This method should also hold the lining of the pond in place. Build the edge with a short overhang that will protect the lining of the pool as you seal it in place.

A formal pool can take any shape, although a square or rectangular shape is more common than a pool with curved edges. It's also easier to place tiles or masonry along the edges to complete this formal look.