Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that helps to lighten teeth and remove stains and discoloration. It is a safe and effective way to brighten your smile and improve your self-confidence. But how exactly does it work? 

The Process:  Teeth whitening is a simple process that involves the application of a whitening agent, usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide gel, to the teeth. The gel is applied to the teeth and left in place for a predetermined amount of time. If you are looking for the best teeth whitening services in Scottsdale then you can contact  https://smilediariesaz.com/teeth-whitening/.

Results:  The results of teeth whitening vary from person to person. In general, most people can expect to see a noticeable improvement in the whiteness of their teeth after one to two treatments. The amount of whitening achieved will depend on the severity of the discoloration and the type of whitening agent used. 

Safety:  Teeth whitening is a safe and effective procedure that is approved by the American Dental Association. While some people may experience mild sensitivity during or after the procedure, this is usually temporary and will go away after a few days. 

Maintenance:  In order to maintain your bright, white smile, you will need to follow your dentist’s instructions for home care. This may include regular brushing and flossing, as well as avoiding certain foods and drinks that can cause staining.