When faced with a small bathroom, a remodel can be quite a challenge. Without the right techniques, you can end up with an even more cramped space. You can also visit https://www.kleinhomesolutions.com/bathroom-remodeling/ to get more information about bathroom remodeling in Erie, PA.

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Fortunately, there are ways to maximize the space in your small bathroom with some simple tips.

First, consider the layout of the bathroom. It may be helpful to draw a rough sketch of the existing layout and then make changes that will give you the most space. Consider switching the shower and sink locations, if possible, to open up the room. If the bathroom is too small for a standard-sized tub, consider a corner-style tub or shower. It can save precious square footage without sacrificing comfort.

Next, choose the right fixtures. Opt for a more compact sink, toilet, and vanity. Wall-mounted sinks and toilets will create more floor space than their traditional counterparts. You can also install a floating vanity to make the room appear larger.

Finally, consider the wall and floor space. Adding shelving, hooks, and other storage solutions to the walls can help you store items without taking up floor space. Use light colors on the walls and floors to make the room appear larger. Mirrors are also a great way to give the illusion of a larger space.


A small bathroom remodel can be quite a challenge, but with the right techniques, it can be done. Consider the layout, choose the right fixtures, and use the wall and floor space wisely. With these tips, you can maximize the space in your small bathroom remodel.