If you're looking for a new roof for your home, it's worth your time to learn about the process before you start. Learn about 7 things you should know about shingle roof replacement. There are a number of benefits to replacing your shingle roof with a new roof. 

1. Shingle roofs  are a common type of roofing and are made of tiles or shingles.

2. A shingle roof is an affordable and durable roofing material that can last up to 50 years.

3. Shingle roofs can be replaced with other types of roofs, like tile, slate, or metal, but they are less expensive to replace with these types of roofs.

4. A shingle roof replacement will typically require the removal of the old roofing material and installation of new material similar to the original shingle roof.

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5. There are a few things you should know about replacing a shingle roof before your contractor begins work: the size of the replacement shingle, the slope of your existing roof, and whether you have any gutters or downspouts on your property.

6. When choosing a contractor for a shingle roof replacement, make sure they have experience working with this type of roofing material and have access to adequate tools for the job.

7. Expect to spend between $2,000 and $10,000 on a typical shingle roof replacement project . 

8. A new roof will typically last twice as long as a traditional roof. This is because a traditional roof is made up of thousands of small pieces of wood that can decay and cause damage over time.