A mold inspection is an assessment of a home or building to determine if there is a presence of mold, the extent of the mold, and the source of the mold. A professional mold inspector will look for the source of the mold and then recommend any necessary remediation steps. 

The Process 

The mold inspection process typically involves a visual inspection of the property and any areas that may be affected by mold. The inspector will take samples from the air and any visible mold to be tested in a laboratory. The inspector will then provide a report detailing the findings and any recommendations for remediation. If you are looking for mold inspection services then you may check this site https://andersenint.com/services/mold-inspection/

What to Expect 

Once the inspection is complete, the inspector will provide a report of the findings and any recommendations for remediation. The report should include the type of mold, the level of contamination, and any necessary steps to address the issue. 


A professional mold inspection is the best way to identify and address any mold issues in your home or building. The inspector will provide a detailed report of the findings and any necessary remediation steps. With the help of a professional, you can be sure that your home or building is free of mold and safe for those living in it.