If your paving stones are cracked, broken, or have just started to show signs of wear and tear, there are a few ways you can repair them. The first step is to assess the damage. If the cracks are small and close to the edge of the stone, you can probably fix them using a sealant. For larger cracks or breaks, you'll need to replace the stone. 

If the stone is cracked all the way through, it's best to replace it with a new one. You can remove the old stone and replace it with a new one using either mortar or concrete. Be sure to use a sealant on both sides of the new stone before setting it in place. For professional assistance, you can hire expert paving contractors via https://www.techlinelandscaping.com/paving-stone-repair.

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There are a few things that you need to keep in mind when repairing or sealing stone areas: 

-The type of stone you're working with will determine the best approach. For example, limestone requires a different sealant than granite.

-Pouring too much sealant or mortar can cause damage or fade the color of your stone. Use a sealant or mortar that is specifically designed for stonework and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

-If your stone is cracked, damaged, or has other structural problems, you'll need to have it professionally repaired before proceeding with any sealing or repair work.