Breast implants are a popular choice for many women looking to improve the appearance of their breasts. However, there may come a time when you decide to have your implants removed. The decision to remove your implants is a big one, so it is important to understand the risks and benefits associated with the procedure. Here is everything you need to know about breast implant removal. If you are looking for a Breast Implant surgeon you can visit

Types of Procedures

When it comes to breast implant removal, there are two main types of procedures: explantation and en bloc removal. Explantation is the most common type of procedure and involves removing only the implant. Enbloc removal is a more invasive procedure and involves removing the implant and the surrounding capsule. 

Risks and Benefits

There are risks and benefits associated with both explantation and en bloc removal. Explantation is a less invasive procedure, so it carries fewer risks. On the other hand, en bloc removal can provide a better cosmetic outcome as it removes the entire capsule. Recovery time will vary depending on the type of procedure you have. Explantation typically requires a shorter recovery time, while en bloc removal can take longer. In either case, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for a safe and successful recovery. 


The cost of breast implant removal will vary depending on the type of procedure you have and the location of the procedure. Additionally, the cost may be covered by insurance if you have a medical reason for having the implants removed.


 Deciding to remove your breast implants is a big decision. It is important to understand the risks and benefits associated with the procedure and to speak to your doctor about the best option for you. Additionally, it is important to understand the recovery process and the cost of the procedure. With the right information, you can make an informed decision about whether or not breast implant removal is right for you.