A Monument Led Sign is a type of sign that is typically used to identify a business or other type of organization. These signs are usually large and freestanding, and they are often illuminated. It can be made from a variety of materials, including aluminum, stainless steel, and even stone. 

For more information about Custom Monument Signs, you can explore this link . There are many different types of monument led signs. Typically, these signs are used to mark the entrance of a business, church, or other important landmark. However, they can also be used for wayfinding or directional purposes.

Here are some of the most common types of monument led signs:

1. Illuminated Monument Signs: These signs are typically made with LED lights that make them visible at night or in low-light conditions. They can be either freestanding or mounted on a wall.

2. Non-Illuminated Monument Signs: These signs are not lit up and are usually made from materials like stone, brick, or metal. They can also be freestanding or mounted on a wall.

3. Directional Signs: These signs often have arrows or other symbols that point the way to a specific location. They can be helpful for visitors who are trying to find their way around a large campus or complex.

4. Informational Signs: These signs provide information about a specific location or area. They might include the name of a business, the hours of operation, or special instructions for visitors. 

5. Custom Signs: These signs can be made to any specifications that you need. This gives you the ability to create a sign that is uniquely yours and that will stand out from the rest.