Scrabble is an enjoyable game for both beginners and experts. This article will provide some tips to help you improve your Scrabble skills so that you can win more games and rack up higher scores. For beginners, your first few games will consist of trying to guess the first word on your rack. 

Once you have mastered this basic starting point, it is time to start playing more strategically. Next, you can start creating parallel words. Instead of placing letters on top of existing words, place them in a way that your new word expands the word. You can even take help from software like Scrabble Word Finder: Find High-Scoring Scrabble Words Online

You’ll soon see the potential for larger overlap words once you are familiar with this concept. This is where you need to be able to memorize the scrabble two-letter words. You’d be able to recognize some common combinations such as “OX” and “PI” in English if you know the two-letter combinations.

Experts also recommend keeping a list with the frequency of each letter on a piece of paper and marking off each letter on your board or rack. These simple Scrabble strategies can help turn your game from beginner to expert level, as well as help you have fun and collect high scores.

Before you can repair your roof, you will need to make sure that you have fixed certain issues in your home. This will help protect your home from any debris or broken roofing pieces that could fall on your plants and other areas of the house.Before you begin the roof repair process, it is important to prepare your home and book roof repair services in Erie, PA.

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How do you prepare your house before repairing your roof?

Keep your gates opened – Your roofers will need to be able to move about during the repair process. You will need to open the gate each time your roofers go outside to do some work if the gate is not closed.

You may trim your grass. This will make it easy for roofers to remove any fallen debris once the work is done. The nails could also get stuck in dense grass, causing problems in the future. 

Clear your attic – You need to clear your attics so that fragile items stored there don't get damaged during roof replacement. These items can be moved to a safe location to prevent damage.

Protect your attic – Cover it with a tarp to keep dust from building up. It will make cleaning your attic more difficult if you leave it open.

Garage protection must be taken – You need to protect your garage, if it's built into your home. Protect your garage if the garage's roof needs to be replaced. A tarp can be used to protect valuables in your garage.

Protect your windows – Debris could fall on your windows and cause scratches. You should place wooden boards on your windows to protect them from debris and dust